Certified by United Nations-UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research)


Governmental and Institutional Travel Planning and Management Specialist

  • Course Tipology: Expert
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Price: € 840.00


The Governmental and Institutional Travel Planning and Management Specialist coursel offers a 360º vision of the operations, functionalities and capacities necessary to satisfy the demand of this type of travel. It allows the acquisition of the skills and knowledge of the most demanded tools in the sector.

One of the main objectives of Governmental and Institutional Travel is the creation and maintenance of diplomatic relations between the different delegations, as well as the strengthening of institutional relations between delegations of various cultures, nationalities and confessions.

The segment of Governmental and Institutional Travel is a space of new economic and professional opportunities within the Tourism Industry, with a great projection for the future, and which have a series of requirements and needs that make them unique and different from the rest, which makes it necessary to have a very precise specialization and training.

The Governmental and Institutional Travel Planning and Management Specialist course allows a unique specialization in the field of Governmental and Institutional Travel, in order to become part of the community of professionals who know how to adapt the needs of governments and large institutions during the organization and planning of their trips.

With this course you will obtain a differentiating vision on the particularities of this type of travel, its main stakeholders, its organization and management, contextualizing the most common operational and functional aspects in the procedures related to this type of clients, such as, among others, the management of invitations, procedures for the identification and selection of suppliers, site inspection procedures, protocols of action in events, receptions, transfers of the delegation, reservations and contracting of suppliers, etc.

The course lays a solid foundation towards specialization and professionalization in the sector of Governmental and Institutional Travel, helping the professionals of the various service suppliers, as well as the organizers of these trips, to improve communication, coordination and development.

Finally, the fundamentals defined by the United Nations Organization in relation to Sustainable Tourism Development will be taken into account during the training program, evaluating their application to the different areas of action involved in the governmental travel sector.

The course will allow students to increase their competitiveness and positioning through this specialized training in a new sector, that of governmental and institutional travel: a new field of knowledge in a constantly evolving industry that lacks true experts.

Table of Contents

International Relations
Case Study
Certification Exam


The Governmental and Institutional Travel Planning and Management Specialist coursel offers a 360º vision of the operations, functionalities and capacities necessary to satisfy the demand of this type of travel. It allows the acquisition of the skills and knowledge of the most demanded tools in the sector.

One of the main objectives of Governmental and Institutional Travel is the creation and maintenance of diplomatic relations between the different delegations, as well as the strengthening of institutional relations between delegations of various cultures, nationalities and confessions.

The segment of Governmental and Institutional Travel is a space of new economic and professional opportunities within the Tourism Industry, with a great projection for the future, and which have a series of requirements and needs that make them unique and different from the rest, which makes it necessary to have a very precise specialization and training.

The Governmental and Institutional Travel Planning and Management Specialist course allows a unique specialization in the field of Governmental and Institutional Travel, in order to become part of the community of professionals who know how to adapt the needs of governments and large institutions during the organization and planning of their trips.

With this course you will obtain a differentiating vision on the particularities of this type of travel, its main stakeholders, its organization and management, contextualizing the most common operational and functional aspects in the procedures related to this type of clients, such as, among others, the management of invitations, procedures for the identification and selection of suppliers, site inspection procedures, protocols of action in events, receptions, transfers of the delegation, reservations and contracting of suppliers, etc.

The course lays a solid foundation towards specialization and professionalization in the sector of Governmental and Institutional Travel, helping the professionals of the various service suppliers, as well as the organizers of these trips, to improve communication, coordination and development.

Finally, the fundamentals defined by the United Nations Organization in relation to Sustainable Tourism Development will be taken into account during the training program, evaluating their application to the different areas of action involved in the governmental travel sector.

The course will allow students to increase their competitiveness and positioning through this specialized training in a new sector, that of governmental and institutional travel: a new field of knowledge in a constantly evolving industry that lacks true experts.

International Relations
Case Study
Certification Exam