Certified by United Nations-UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research)


Expert Diploma in Governmental and Institutional Travel Sector (Field of Study Diplomatic Corps)

  • Course Tipology: Expert
  • Level: Advanced
  • Price: € 4,999.00


The members of governmental and institutional delegations, which are part of the sector called ‘Governmental and Institutional Travel and Tourism’ (GITT), demand a series of requirements, according to their own nature and needs, in terms of diplomacy and protocol.

This prism, inherent to all government and institutional delegations, in the exercise of their functions, allows configuring a unique training offer in which all those operational and functional aspects that take place are contextualized, from the perspective of diplomatic crops, during the development of government and institutional travels.

In the course, the student will have the opportunity to learn the principles that help meet the demands of this sector, as well as its impact on the development of a government or institutional trip, allowing the design or redesign of an operation according to the different needs of the sector.

In addition, the course includes the fundamentals that the United Nations Organization (UN) has defined in relation to Sustainable Tourism Development, assessing its possible application to the various areas of action involved in the travel sector of governments and institutions.

The ‘Expert Diploma in Governmental and Institutional Travel Sector -- Field of Study Hospitality’ also allows a privileged positioning of the students in an important market niche that is promoting attractive professional opportunities, with an evident future projection.

Take the first step to increase your competitiveness and positioning through this specialized training in the governmental and institutional travel sector: a new field of knowledge in an industry that is constantly evolving.

Table of Contents


The members of governmental and institutional delegations, which are part of the sector called ‘Governmental and Institutional Travel and Tourism’ (GITT), demand a series of requirements, according to their own nature and needs, in terms of diplomacy and protocol.

This prism, inherent to all government and institutional delegations, in the exercise of their functions, allows configuring a unique training offer in which all those operational and functional aspects that take place are contextualized, from the perspective of diplomatic crops, during the development of government and institutional travels.

In the course, the student will have the opportunity to learn the principles that help meet the demands of this sector, as well as its impact on the development of a government or institutional trip, allowing the design or redesign of an operation according to the different needs of the sector.

In addition, the course includes the fundamentals that the United Nations Organization (UN) has defined in relation to Sustainable Tourism Development, assessing its possible application to the various areas of action involved in the travel sector of governments and institutions.

The ‘Expert Diploma in Governmental and Institutional Travel Sector -- Field of Study Hospitality’ also allows a privileged positioning of the students in an important market niche that is promoting attractive professional opportunities, with an evident future projection.

Take the first step to increase your competitiveness and positioning through this specialized training in the governmental and institutional travel sector: a new field of knowledge in an industry that is constantly evolving.